Upload Config

This tool allows the user to define configurations for ad hoc file uploads.

* Note: Only approved users will have access to this tool.

The File Upload Configration Process has 3 steps as outlined below.
Step One
  • Assign the data type of the file
  • Enter a configuration name
  • Enter any notes to other users about the details of the configuration file and its use

Step Two
  • Using the provided grid of Available fields, drag the fields into the Selected Fields column that will be contained in your data file
  • Order the fields according to the order of your columns (left to right) in your data file
  • Drag the fields from the Selected column back to the Available column if they are not included in your data file
  • When finished, click on the Save Column Order button

Step Three
  • In this step, you will identify the combination of fields that will create the "unique identifier" for each record in the file.
  • We recommend selecting multiple fields for each record if there is a chance of inconsistencies in any single field.
  • Use the CTRL or Shift key to select multiple fields.
  • Click Submit when finished.

Next Steps
  • Your file configuration has been saved in the portal. This process only needs to be completed once.
  • Now you can proceed to the File Upload page to upload your configured file.