Clients can request customization of the dashboard in the following areas:
Tag Customization
Customers can specify the tags to be used in the dashboard to outline adjudication methods for matches that cannot be confirmed or verified. The dashboard contains a Tag Request form that can be completed by the client; requests are reviewed by OIGCN IT staff for any conflicts and then are made live in the dashboard. Please review the manual section on Statuses and Tags for more details.
Return Data Files
Customers who are receiving return data files might prefer to receive only newly reported sanctions each month, due to internal automated dispositioning of the records on return files. OIGCN can flag sanction records for single reporting to the client. This means that sanctions that are reported initially in a return data file are not included in subsequent return files because the client has already taken action on those reported records and does not need repeated notification and action. We refer to this option as “client override”.
Reporting Statistics for Opt Outs
Some clients are using OIGCN screening systems to track provider Opt Out status. Since this designation is not considered an exclusion/sanction, clients can request to remove the verified matches for Opt Outs from the monthly reporting for screening statistics. Customers are still able to pull a report from the dashboard of all providers with verified Opt Out status.
Other Requests
OIGCN is happy to discuss requests for other functionality for the dashboard. Please let us know how we could make the system more useful to you!