Clicking on the Screen Details link will display the Screen Details page.
Each Screen Details displays, by unique Screen ID, ONE name, as submitted by the client, along with all the name matches that are under investigation for that screened name.
ScreenIDs are assigned by OIGCN when a record is submitted for screening.
Clicking on the MatchID link will display the Match Details page.
Each Match ID link displays an individual name match along with the investigation needs for that specific name match.
The Submitted Name information will be on the left and information on the hit name will be on the right.
In the center section, the Screening Portal displays Match Tags and the current Match Status.
If the match is linked to a match from a previously submitted file, then the words linked source match will appear in text below the Match tags.
On the bottom of the Match Details page, you will see the OIGCN investigator’s notes which provide more details about the hit name and sanction, along with information needed that we can use to clear or confirm the name match.